Sustainable value creation

Our vision is to become a world leader in sustainable value creation. By sustainable value creation, we mean that we want to create long-term returns for our customers and at the same time contribute to positive development for society and the environment. We work to develop the industry by setting standards for sustainable savings and responsible investment - because we are convinced that long-term sustainability is also profitable in the long term.

A woman and a man working together at the office by a laptop.

How we work with sustainability

We want to invest in healthy companies that, through their operations, contribute to a positive impact on the world around us.

Our Principles for Shareholder Engagement

Shareholder engagement is the shareholders’ influence on, and control of, the Board of Directors and corporate management. Our Principles for Shareholder Engagement describe how we exercise an active ownership role in the companies in which the funds have invested.

Our Policy for Responsible Investments

Our Policy for Responsible Investments describes the sustainability work in our funds and how the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals guide our investments. The policy is continuously updated to go hand in hand with our ambition to drive and support more sustainable development in society.

Our investments will contribute to the UN’s global goals

Our climate strategy

Climate change is the greatest global challenge of our time. We want to take clear responsibility and actions to address climate change. That’s why we have set two tough and overarching goals in our own climate strategy:

  • Our combined fund capital will be aligned with the Paris Agreement’s target to limit the global temperature increased to 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2025.
  • Our combined fund capital will be carbon neutral by 2040.

Our nature strategy

Like climate change, the depletion of nature and biodiversity will have an impact on the economy.

To help counteract and reverse this negative development, we have set the following goals in our nature strategy:

  • Building knowledge and understanding of nature risks in our organisation
  • Assess exposure to nature risks in our holdings
  • Establish governance oversight for nature-related risks
  • Report on the above targets by 2025
  • Engage with holdings in sectors with high impact on nature
  • Adopt sectoral targets for material risk-exposure in portfolios

How we contribute to sustainable value creation

We include, exclude and engage

We want to invest in sustainable holdings that have a positive impact on the world around us. With our three strategies, we clarify the criteria we work according to and the basis for our assessments and sustainability analyses - in other words, how we include, exclude and work with engagement in our different fund types.

Woman in workshop with two others looking at postits on a board

We are an active owner

We are one of the largest owners on the Stockholm Stock Exchange and have chosen to be active in our role as owner and investor. We work with nomination committees, corporate governance specialists, fund managers, sustainability analysts and strategists.

In 2023:

  • we conducted 1418 sustainability dialogues
  • we voted at 968 general meetings
  • participated in more than 100 nomination committees

We believe in collaborations across corporate, sector and national borders

We are convinced that collaborations across corporate, sector and national borders are a key factor in enabling the world to take the steps needed to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the climate goals of the Paris Agreement. We are therefore active in several collaborations and are committed to working to achieve goals and develop working methods for sustainability within the framework of various industry initiatives. Read more about our commitments and collaborations below.